The questions we must first ask in relation to our question:
Is there anything God cannot do, even if He wills it?
Are there hypothetical scenarios that show God’s power is limited?
How does logic interact with claims of God’s supposed shortcomings?
God is described as an all-powerful being throughout the Bible, with verses explicitly stating that "with God all things are possible." This is a source of great comfort for many Christians, yet how are we to react when faced with the dilemma of the unliftable stone?
The dilemma goes as follows:
If God is all-powerful, He should be able to create an unliftable stone, but if He does, He would not be able to lift it, resulting in God not being all-powerful, meaning God, by definition, could not exist.
This seems to be a very strong argument until we test other examples of what God cannot do. God, while being all-powerful, is also truth and logic by His very nature. Just as we cannot have a married bachelor or a square circle, we cannot have an unliftable stone. Why? Because it contradicts logic in every sense.
As C.S. Lewis stated, "nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk about God." The concept of omnipotence does not turn a logical fallacy into a logical reality, and as we know God to be the author of logic, we can conclude that God cannot do something illogical without forfeiting the ability to be all-powerful.