The questions we must first ask in relation to our question:
What sort of evil do you mean (murder, rape, e.c.t)?
Have you contributed to any such evil (have you lied or stolen)?
Did God create evil, and could He stop it?
To act freely, God has given us free will to do as we please, and all of us commit some level of wrong. Free will is necessary for us to do the highest good – to care, to love, etc. If God were to expel evil, then we would not have free will.
This would make us nothing more than robots, unable to think, feel, or choose. The sin present in life is a result of direct opposition to God’s goodness, just like a shadow is not made by the light, but instead by an object obstructing and opposing its light.
The origin of sin came from the rebellion of the adversary, also known as Satan, who, as an angel, chose to reject God’s will in favour of his own. Everything God had created was perfect, and though this was so, each created creature was given choice. By this choice, sin was formed, and by the same choice that was given to the angel that became Satan, we choose to act righteously or wrongfully.
Evil must be able to exist if we have free will, yet it is a price worth paying for the ability to act freely, to think freely, and to choose freely.
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